Typography set 1 Typography set 2 Typography set 3 Typography set 4 Typography set 5 Title --------------: Typography Set Media -------...
perspective drawing
Title --------------: Perspective Drawing Media ------------: Colour pencils on Paper Dimension -----: A3 size
Sketches of story
Title --------------: Sketch of story Media ------------: Mechanical Pencil on Paper Dimension -----: A3 size A story about a boy that kee...
Sport Complex
Title --------------: Sport Complex Media ------------: Adobe Illustrator Dimension -----: A3 size A abstract mural design of Sport Comple...
Bio-Chemistry Lab
Title --------------: Bio-Chemistry Lab Media ------------: Adobe Illustrator Dimension -----: A3 size A abstract mural design of Bio-Chem...
Leaflet Design
Outside Inside Title --------------: Skate Product Leaflet Media ------------: Adobe Illustrator Dimension -----: A4 size An leaflet desig...
Title --------------: Shell Media ------------: Pencil on paper Dimension -----: A4 size Draw by looking on a real shell.
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque
Title --------------: Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque, Shah Alam Media ------------: Pencil on paper Dimension -----: A3 size Bui...
Jay Ablum Cover
Title --------------: Jay Chou Ablum Cover Media ------------: Technical Pen Dimension -----: A3 size
Abstract art
Simply try on canvas Start on the background Done all the basic shapes and colours Start planing to do some 3D pop out effect Been request b...
Bus stand design
Title --------------: Bus Stand Design Media ------------: Adobe Illustrator Dimension -----: A3 size The design of bus stand for every si...
Name Title for Video
Title --------------: Name Title Media ------------: Adobe Illustrator Dimension -----: 314x75 A name title design for a video purpose.